Crossing Over into a New Year—Part 2

Moving Past Loss

As we get older, every year it seems, things get harder and sometimes there are things we’d love to hold on to, that we can’t. And things we wish we could get rid of, but we also can’t. I’m not talking about things we have much control over, such as emotional problems or decisions we make that affect not only us but others as well. I’m mainly talking about physical challenges we have no control over.

I posted this last summer: “The night after I got home, I coughed out of control for around 10 minutes. When I woke up the next morning, my hearing had tanked, my voice was totally gone, and my sense of smell had disappeared. A week later, I went to the doctor who diagnosed me with bronchitis.

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Crossing Over into a New Year – Part 1

A Glance At the Past

I don’t know about you, but I’m always recharged and hopeful whenever we cross over into a new year. It’s a chance to start fresh, to put the past year behind us, and make hopeful plans for the future. I just know this year is going to be great!

What are you hopeful for? Leave a comment and let me know.

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Preparing for Storms-Part 2

Batten Down the Hatches!

“Batten down the hatches!” Do we even know what that means? According to the grammar website Grammar Monster ( down_the_hatches.htm), the following shows different and correct usages for this phrase. Click to read more.

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Refreshing Streams ONLINE

Cleansing from Ancient Generational Curses ONLINE

What you don’t know about your ancestry could hinder you in ways you would never suspect. Come to the Online version of our HalfDay retreat on Wednesday, October 25. Click for more information.

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Refreshing Streams Retreat

Information Below

If you are stuck in an area of your life and you haven’t been able to get free, it could be because someone in your ancestry made a barter or a bargain with the devil, and you, all these many years later, are being held accountable for something your ancestor did. What you don’t know can hurt you.

This half-day will show you how to break things off your lineage so that you and your descendants can be free. Time for personal ministry will be available after the generational cleansing and lunch, to send you off in freedom!

Your Generation – Part 3

Encouragement for Whatever Time of Life You Are In

In July, I felt the Lord wanted to encourage people with a word of exhortation for wherever they are. He started with my generation, the older folks sixty and older, then the 40 to 50s, then the 30-40s, and finally the younger adult generation of the 20s to 30s. I pray that you will find a nugget of hope and reassurance through the post that you identify more with.

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Your Generation – Part 2

An Encouraging Word for Your Generation

Part 2 of the encouraging words I received in July. I prayed about when to release them. They speak to almost every decade of our adult lives. I hope you will find inspiration and edification when you read about the decade you are currently in.

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Your Generation – Part 1

Encouragement for Whatever Your Age

When I began recovering from bronchitis in July, I felt the Lord speak many things to me. I really couldn’t do much of anything but read. So, the Lord took advantage of all that time and showed me some things about every age group beginning at age 20. But He showed me in reverse. I’m at the end of my sixties, and He spoke to that first.

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Preparing for Storms – Part 1

Personal Preparedness

Storms in life come in all kinds of ways. They can come personally, or as we saw, in a fire ravaging a whole Hawaiian town – or in the form of a tornado, a flood, or a war. But personal storms can come from a job loss, an illness, a divorce, or a death of a loved one. These tempests, such as the Lahaina fire, often come unexpectedly and generally catch us unaware. What can we do to prepare for the storms of life? We’ll discuss that in this blog post and more to come.

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Becoming a New Wineskin

Jesus Discusses Fasting in an Interesting Way

I hope this new series will encourage and inspire you to investigate and be hungry for more of the Lord. As I prepare for a new school year and my interactions with people and with God’s Word, I’ll post about specific topics that I hope will enrich your understanding and cause you to want to explore God and His Word more deeply. We can’t all be doctoral students, but we can and should all be students of God’s Word. As I was reading Matthew 9 recently, the short section entitled “About Fasting” caught my eye because Jesus went on to talk about new and old wine and wineskins.

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Refreshing Streams

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The Mickey Mindset

Celebrating the Art of Disney Storytelling

Live to Write - Write to Live

We live to write and write to live ... professional writers talk about the craft and business of writing

Kristen Lamb

Author, Blogger, Social Media Jedi

Joseph E Bird

Let's talk about reading, writing and the arts.

For a purpose

The blog site of Rick Wade


Where it is a good thing to be an outcast.


We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; let your light shine through your cracked pot. Ring the bells that still can ring, Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in and comes out.

loon watchman

stark raving sane.

Kelly F Barr

"A story without love is empty." -- Kelly F. Barr

Beautiful Life with Cancer

Discovering the Gift

Vonj Production

Bringing you love through spirit!

A christian dad blog

Just a dad following God's path


A blog full of humorous and poignant observations.


easy reading is damn hard writing

Funny Dog Moments

Funny Tales of Cinnamon the Cute Guard Dog